So, we are currently day 16 into our lockdown. But let me go back a couple of weeks for this one.
It was going to be tough being restricted to one outdoor form of exercise a day and only leaving the house for one of two reasons, to obtain food, or for medical reasons. So, it was just over two weeks ago that I was expecting my latest dose of steroids into the spine to help elevate the debilitating pain I endure due to my many health issues.
Half expecting the procedure to be cancelled as many (if not all) private hospitals were going to be ‘swallowed’ up by the NHS to help ease the frontline. It got to the morning of the procedure and a quick call confirmed that the procedure was currently going ahead. Winner! I have been really suffering these past few weeks and was in real need of having this done.
I was laying there, then all of a sudden he hit the spine. Not once, not twice, but too many times
All gowned up, ready to go, just needing the be marked up, and we’re good to go. Thankfully, I was first on the list. So many times now I have been 3rd or 4th and left waiting for 3 hours or more. Today, was much quieter. Then you can hear Ze German from around the corner. Round comes Dr. Weber, I have been in his care now for well over 2 years so totally get his humour.
Walks up to me, picks up my notes, and proceeds to tell me some information that could change the way things were going to go.
To cut a very long dialogue short, there has been some evidence to show that having this injection can lower my immune system and leave me more susceptible to catching COVID-19 (better known as the Coronavirus). This left me incredibly conflicted, do I go ahead and have the chance to relieve this pain I have 24/7. Or, do I postpone the surgery for an unknown amount of time while this virus fucks off!
You can see from above, I proceeded with the procedure and after 20 minutes I was out and sipping a hot chocolate and dunking some hobnob-esque biscuits. Now, needing to self-isolate for 12 weeks to minimise the risk of contracting COVID-19.
15 days in, and I’m very much still recovering from the injections. Let’s hope in a short while to come that things start to improve and I can my mental state can begin to improve as much as possible.
Check back for more lockdown antics next time.