We were so lucky in Germany to have three different hosts all feeding us the most delightful food below, on an, of course, we pick up a few bits to along the way. So sit back and prepare to salivate on the fantastic food we ate in Germany.
Schnitzel dishes comprises of a flattened piece of pork, chicken or veal, crumbed and served with potatoes and vegetables, plus a sauce like hollandaise or mushroom sauce. The best thing about ordering a schnitzel, however, is that it’s one of the most reasonable German foods with regards to price, ours was made by our wonderful host and was crispy and delicious.
Known as Pfannkuchen in Berlin, Kreppel in Hessen, Krapfen in Southern Germany and Berliner just about everywhere else. The jam filled donut, is a quintessential culinary component of Germany’s carnival season. Carnival season, known as Fasching, Karneval or Fastnacht, depending on the region, is celebrated mostly in Catholic areas of Germany, yet the ubiquitous donut is a hit wherever you go. During the carnival season, you’ll find bakeries on every street corner with their counters piled high with various types of donuts, most filled with jam but also with vanilla cream, chocolate or even eggnog. We tried eggnog ones in Dortmund, and Jam filled ones in Frankfurt, both really good but I definitely preferred the jam ones.
A very traditional dish from the south of Germany which many people also like to eat the ravioli looking pasta in soups. The outer layer consists of pasta, filled with a vegetable or meat filling. They are about four times the size of an average ravioli, we had meat ones with salad, roasted peppers. It was one of the first meals we had in Germany, and it was terrific.
If you love an American cheesecake, this is in a whole different league. The main difference lies in the bottom and the filling so this means almost everything. While the main ingredient in the American version is cream cheese and a base is made out of cookies, the Germans use curd and shortcrust. This makes it even softer. Oh, it was so very soft and had such a subtle flavour too. Yummy.
Curry Wurst
Würste, meaning sausages, of all sorts. While Berlin is notorious for its Currywurst, Bavarians eat Weisswurst mit Süßem Senf. The former is pretty self-explanatory; it is a sausage with curry on top. The latter, however, requires a bit more getting used to; Weisswurst is a white sausage that you have to peel and to enhance its taste, people enjoy it with Süßem Senf, meaning sweet mustard. We went to possibly the best shop for this and check out the link here.
Just like the American pretzel before baking the dough is covered with a special pretzel solution, which contributes to its colour and unique taste. Traditionally, Bavarians eat them with sausage they take on a variety of forms throughout Germany. We ate ours with Leberkäse (explained below.)
A delightfully light steamed dumpling that can be served sweet or savory. Dampfnudels are typically served as a main dish with a savory accompaniment such as cabbage, salad, gherkins, potato soup, lentil soup, or mushrooms in white sauce. But our was served as a dessert with vanilla custard. It was overly sweet and tasted really nice.
Bienenstich or Bee sting cake is a German dessert made of sweet yeast dough with a baked-on topping of caramelized almonds and filled with vanilla custard, Buttercream or cream. The cake may have earned its name from its honey topping: according to one legend, a bee was attracted to it, and the baker who invented the cake was stung. It’s was definitely my favourite cake I tasted in Germany.
A cremeschnitte is a vanilla and custard cream cake dessert popular in Central Europe, as well as far south as Romania and Serbia. There are many regional variations, but they all include puff pastry base and topping encasing a custard cream. It’s really delicate and by the time I got to eat ours it was a bit squished, but squashed cake still tastes good too.
Streuselkuchen is a German specialty crumb cake. Traditionally it is made of a yeast dough covered with a sweet crumb topping referred to as streusel. The main ingredients for the crumbs are sugar, butter, and flour, which are mixed at a 1:1:2 ratios.
German Streuselkuchen is usually a flat cake made on a baking tray and cut into rectangular pieces.
The recipe allegedly originated from Silesia, a province that is nowadays in Western Poland, but the cake is found everywhere today. Many variants are prepared, with fillings such as fruit, mostly of a sour taste, e.g., apples, gooseberries, sour cherries, rhubarb.
In German, literally means ‘liver cheese’; sometimes spelled Leberkäs or Leberka(a)s in Austria and the Swabian, Bavarian and Franconian parts of Germany. It is a specialty food found in the south of Germany, in Austria and parts of Switzerland, similar to bologna sausage. It consists of corned beef, pork, bacon, and onions and is made by grinding the ingredients very finely and then baking it as a loaf in a bread pan until it has a crunchy brown crust. It has the consistency of a hotdog but comes in a loaf form. Unusual and something I’ve never eaten before.