This cute little ice cream shop is just outside our hotel, yep! How dare it tempt me every time I walk out and back into our hotel. Grrrrrr lol okay so it’s in a convenient location, just down the road from Corner Double six in Legian.
Food Quality
Lee had a scoop of the chocolate ice cream and I had a scoop of chocolate sorbet. Lee enjoyed his and mine was a true revelation. I’d never had a chocolate sorbet before, so it was a must to try and I wasn’t disappointed. It was rich, deep and so full of flavour. Lee was totally jealous and sulked a little because he just had normal ice cream, delicious chocolate ice cream but it wasn’t as good as mine.
Value for Money
Our scoops were both 20,000rp each scoop, which is about £1.20 or 45,000rp for two. So not exactly cheap by Indonesian standards but it was definitely worth every penny by Western standards.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone else sitting around but they do seem to have a steady stream of customers come and go. The staff was friendly and we will definitely be back before we leave Bali.