Travelling with Anxiety and depression while on worldwide adventures, is it possible?
Hi, for those of you who don’t know, I suffer from anxiety and depression. These are tricky beasts and unfortunately not ones I can control easily.
Just when you’ve prepared yourself for the amazing adventure of a lifetime. Mr anxiety or Mr depression rear their ugly heads! All I then want is to be left alone and bury myself under the warm, comfortable, safe layers of my bed. I hate this feeling, but it creeps up on you, and it’s effortless to succumb to its supposed charms.
‘How come someone with these monsters what to travel around the world?’ Can I hear you ask?
Because I’ve wasted the last thirty years of my life being afraid of my own shadow and enough is enough! Of course, this isn’t easy, and I certainly need a push or two in places, but I have a desire to see the beautiful wonders the world has to offer.
So back to how?
How is possible! I have a fantastic support system, Lee is incredible support and knows how to help by either encouraging me to focus on other things or just giving me space to breathe.
I’ve had a severe bout of it all recently but I think that may have been due to the time year (Christmas), and I was missing home a fair bit, and when I got home I was sick. I had flu, a cold and developed a chesty cough. The desire to sleep and shut the world out increased daily, now is the hard part, reversing the damage!
By damage I mean, reversing my very own thinking of being able to see the positives of going out in it.
Everyone has that little voice inside them that tells them going back to work after two weeks off is going to be hell. Just that process but this can happen daily, weekly, monthly or any bloody time it wants to me. I rarely have control over when it starts but coaching yourself will help too.
A few tips I use;
- Take the medication prescribed by your doctor. This may sound obvious but things happen, and this step can go awry when you’re on the road.
- Set little routines up in the morning, such as getting up straight away and having breakfast. It needs to be simple but easy to complete. I find this helps as you usually focus on that than anything else.
- Keep an eye on your hygiene; this is ao important because not doing so can have adverse effects for a long time after your travels. Plus everyone loves the feeling of being refreshed after a bath or a shower.
- Procrastination! Just don’t do it, if you need to get something done do it. Seriously if your anything like me, stop thinking about it and do it.
- Trust yourself and others. I know its awful but you can and will have to rely on other people at some point.
Its down to you a desire you have to travel, its challenging and certainly not an easy path but you can do it, I am and you can too.