So here we are week one, well I say week one but its Sunday now and we’ve only been here since Wednesday, but we won’t dwell on the pedantic.
Wednesday was mostly spent cleaning our old flat, running the last of the errands before picking up the keys to what will be our home for the next few weeks, my mum and dads pride and joy their caravan steadily placed in a childhood favourite of mine the stunning new forest.
NEW FOREST in late September I hear you scoff, yes yes well it was planned in such a way because we believed Lee would be at this point in time recovering from an operation and we needed a solid base in which for him to rest and recover. Hmm well, the procedure didn’t happen (thanks NHS), and now we have a relatively slow start to our epic adventure.
So back to the mini recap, its cold in the mornings, as I write this i have my PJs, the thickest fluffy’st dressing gown, blanket, thermal socks, massive slippers and even with healthy dose of tea (she grins to herself as I’m kinda known for my love of a good cuppa tea).
I, me, yes tina has a stinking head cold, and yes I’ve unfortunately fantasised several times about, taking our daily budget slamming it down on the nearest chemist counter (imagining coins for some reason) and saying ‘give me the good stuff’ hehe its probably a little extreme but feeling sick, tired and miserable because I can’t breath is not what I wanted for our first week, but I am fighting the urge to sleep 24 /7.
So we’ve explored the new forest a little (see our Instagram) and plan to do a lot more in the coming weeks, it may be a slow start but were using the time wisely and figured out some little tricks to keep us as frugal as possible in the coming months.
Being cheeky, taking the mickey, sneaky and a little sly….. is the name of the game and something that certainly doesn’t come naturally to a certain straight-laced Tina but watch out for more posts on how this travelling lifestyle corrupt me further.
Tina x