So we headed out but really didn’t know what direction we wanted to head in, so we took a left then a right or maybe it was the other way around, hehe but hey! An adventure was awaiting us anyway.
We found our way to Heben; we took the road with the longest continuous gradient in England. OK so it doesn’t sound that interesting, but it did solve a mystery that had been plaguing us for a while.
Intrigued, well! Throughout our drive, though the north of England, we had seen these bikes hanging up on trees and buildings, they were sprayed bright yellow, and we had no understanding of what they were for.
So back to the longest hill in England, again we kept seeing these bikes, but then we sore a yellow penny farthing sign with writing on! We immediately stopped and took a closer look; it said Tour de France 2014. Of course! How could we not of seen this connection before, the cycle path went straight through the towns we were driving through. It all made sense now!
With one mystery solved we immediately stumbled on to another, as we made this slow climb up this long hill we reached the top, where we were greeted by this mass body of water on the right-hand side! Both of us went what! Why! What! It was the weirdest thing, seeing this mass expanse of water on top of a hill with a town below that often floods. Why on earth was there such a thing there, hmm very odd.
So where now I hear you ask, well Lee wanted to show me a piece of his history, and we made our way to Rochdale football ground, Lee as a teenager used to play professional football and Rochdale was a club he was signed to for a short time, we looked around and Lee told me about his time there.
So where to go now, well we had kind of dismissed Blackpool because we were so far away from it, but now we were in Rochdale, so we thought why not!
So Blackpool in January, what can I say? It was interesting to put the place to the name, but it’s not a place that excited me. Trust me I’m not putting it down, its just not a place that excites me. It was nice to see the lights that are illuminated, the Blackpool tower and the rollercoaster but I’m just not swayed by glitz and glamour or fancy sights, not even the rollercoaster swooned me, but I could certainly see the appeal to the summer holidaymaker. But alas it was January, and the most entertaining part for me was watching furious tides of the sea, try and climb back on to the land for what it looked like was to claim back what was rightfully theirs. Hehe. I could if watched the sea for hours; it was so rough that seafoam was being sprayed all over the pavements. It was mesmerising, oh course Lee braved it and got out of the car to take a closer look, but unfortunately, I took the cowards way out and stayed in the beautifully comfortable car.
By this time we were starving and, there is only one thing can eat in Blackpool, and that is fish and chips on the beach, well-read how that went down HERE…